Friday Fictioneers: Except Now It’s Raining

Time now for  Friday Fictioneers, a writing challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Fiction in 100 words.  if you want to do it, click the link and follow the instructions. My story follows the photo. It’s autobiographical.


When I left the bar it started to rain hard.

On a whim, I offered to buy a woman’s umbrella.

Ten bucks, I said.

Twenty, she countered.

We settled for fifteen.

The rain hammered all around me, dry enough in my portable shelter, pretending I didn’t know where I was walking.

But I knew.

The front gate looked the same as the last time I saw it.

My father’s funeral had been sunny, just as my grandmother’s had been twenty years before.

The gate wasn’t locked, but I would never again be welcomed.

I sat on the porch and smoked.


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  1. rochellewisoff

    Dear J. Hardy,

    I think a welcome to Friday Fictioneers is in order. It sounds like he came home to a very different place. (Or should I say ‘you’?) Nicely written.



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