Keep It Light

I. OPERATION RESOLUTE SUPPORT USMC CAMP DWYER, AFGHANISTAN “War,” the colonel announces, “is hell.” He sits behind a metal field desk, a MacArthur corncob pipe jutting from his teeth like a gearshift. Looking at his face, my mind is filled with rugged adjectives. Granite jaw. Iron hair. Steely eyes. The wind howls up the Hemland…

President Jimmy

You know me. The name Jimmy B. Jimmy is almost as famous as Mickey Mouse, especially after last November when I was elected President of the United States by the largest margin in American history. But that’s not why you know me. You know me because for twenty-five years I’ve been the infomercial guy who…

Crossing The Line

The little shit almost smiled when he brought me the envelope from Corporate. “No deviations, Howard. It is to be read exactly as written.” I’d been with KGIM since the Nixon administration, working my way up from cameraman to morning sports and weather to the Big Slot, the daily six-and-eleven newscast. I’d won countless awards…