Far North

Dimwitty knew right away that he wasn’t cut out for the military, but he wasn’t cut out for much else either. His Uncle James was a rear admiral and pulled some strings to get him in to the Coast Guard.

Basic was a cakewalk and next thing he knew he was on the USCGC Burton Island cruising around the Arctic Circle installing radar stations.

He’d been granted shore leave at Resolute Bay one day in early July and was awed by its vast emptiness. He couldn’t say why he loved it. It just felt right.

This opinion was not shared by any other members of the crew. They called it “toilet,” “ass-end of the universe,” and similar. Dimwitty was strangely insulted.

That September the Burton Island was ordered back to Oakland and that was that. In Oakland, Dimwitty got a 72 hour pass and went AWOL.

He knew where he was going.

What Pegman Saw


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  1. pennygadd51

    With Dimwitty you have created one of life’s oddballs – the loner, the kid who goes to the opera while his mates are playing footie – and you’ve made him very convincing. I could well believe he went back to Resolute Bay.

  2. Joy Pixley

    One man’s oasis is another man’s prison, and vice versa. (Ah, I just noticed that James said something similar, but I’m leaving my version in anyway.)

    Interesting characterization, and so deeply painted.

  3. Dale

    There is that special place for everyone. No judgement necessary. He saw it, loved it and made his way there. Find himself a nice hearty Inuit woman and …

  4. rochellewisoff

    Dear Josh,

    There’s no accounting for Dimwitty’s taste in surroundings, but if that’s what he likes, who am I to quibble? Very well written as always.



  5. Lynn Love

    I don’t see the attraction, but I understand that feeling of ‘rightness’ and connection. I hope they never find him. After searching street view, the area made me think of a Lunar landscape more than anything else – perhaps that’s what appeals to him, a place that’s so empty you could project whatever ideas you have on it. Well written Josh

  6. prior..

    really like the ending and I smiled – freedom for Dimwitty
    and it is so nice how you showed how we are all different.
    Not everyone is Admiral material and I really like how you present this as a healthy part of humanity – we are different but equal

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