Drowned Kitten

She sets the steaming mug before me.

“Soon set you to rights,” she says. “You’ll see.”

My hands are shaking so badly I don’t trust them to lift the tea to my lips.

Instead, I bend to sip, pursing my lips against the heat.

“There’s a good girl,” she says.

“Get some nice tea in you and then we’ll see about finding you some dry things.  You’ll catch your death else. Soaked as a drowned kitten!”

She does not ask why.

I nod and sip, grateful for the tea and kindness, grateful my wet hair hides my tears from her.

Friday Fictioneers

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  1. msjadeli

    I’ll take her at face value and say she is wise enough to wait to hear what happened. No sense in further traumatizing the girl right now by making her tell. Angels come in many forms. Nicely textured story.

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