You might throw clarity in the garbage.
You may well change an elegant little speech into something resembling a medical textbook
To be or not to be,
That is the question.
To live or to die,
I ask myself this.
I like the first one better.
I know we’ve done this before with suddenly, very, probably and only. I don’t tout this as a fix-all, never-break-it rule. Sometimes a gerund and to be are exactly the things you want to be using. I am talking an exercise here.
I firmly believe you have the right to break any goddamned rule you want. Sentence fragments, run-ons, comma splices. You just need to keep your awareness high so you know what you do and why.
Just remember two things:
1. Faulkner died a long time ago, and you aren’t his successor.
2. You should almost always omit that semi-colon and do something else.
Timely read. Back to the drawing board. @@