The Longest Journey Begins With A Single Step

“The trains always slow when they pass the power station,” Dad had said. “For safety.”

Safety, he thinks, watching the rolling wheels.

He’s never stood so near.

Watching from afar, they didn’t seem to be going all that fast, but from this close it’s different.

He feels their crushing mass shaking the ground beneath his sneakers, imagines how losing a leg might feel.

He starts jogging beside the track, just able to stay even with the train.

He reaches for a low rail, swings himself onto the flatcar.


The train picks up speed. There’s no going back now.

Friday Fictioneers




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  1. Dale

    And he’s off… Wonder if he’s escaping or simply ready to leave on a new adventure
    Loved the atmosphere you’ve created

  2. Sandra

    It’s true, that moment between where you are and the transfer to a moving entity… nothing quite so thrilling but so scary. Nicely done.

Don't just stand there.