Father cautioned that it would not be the same. We were lucky, he said, to have kept the place at all. Mother said nothing, but we all knew that her family had owned that particular block since well before the turn of the century. The only reason we still had it was that the deed was in my great uncle’s name. An Anglo name.
I was so young when we were forced to leave that I had only vague recollections of the place. My childhood memories were all of the internment camp, of barbed wire and cold and incessant boredom.
Executive Order 9066 was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, authorizing the Secretary of War to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the deportation of Japanese Americans and Italian-Americans to internment camps.
Dear J Hardy,
It seems that we went to similar places this week. Well done. Horrid injustice under the red, white and blue. Well done.
The continuation of diplomacy by other means
Powerful stuff. The last sentence is a real kicker. Good work.
So many injustices in our history and we still run in circles. Excellent story.
Not a good piece of history, that is for sure. I’m still stunned reading the posters on how to spot a Jap. Jesus.
The injustice of internment camps so well described.
So many injustices like this were committed during the war and not just in the States – the UK had its fair share of internment camps for Italian and German immigrants. Injustice is the trademark of war.
A sad tale but very well told and a great choice of voice too – very affecting
Amazing stuff. I remember reading something similar a few years ago. Very well done.
I didn’t realize that Italians were sent to camps, too. I’ll to research if German Americans weren’t rounded up, too. And if they weren’t, why not.
Sad but oh so true. Your captured their despair perfectly. I knew a women that spent part of her childhood in a Canadian camp. She never complained about it, she accepted it with more dignity and grace then I would have.
I’ve read a few books about the internment camps. A sad piece of history well captured.