God’s Newest Country

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The boy stares into the wake as the keelboat churns slowly up the river, the twin motors groaning in the current. An endless green canopy stretches away on every side, clouds of birds erupting from the trees as the boat passes. He watches the Captain’s broad back as he turns the wheel against the water. Mama sits slouched against the hull, eyes tightly closed, her lovely caramel complexion tinged with green. Most of the other passengers are in a similar state, having spent the past two days vomiting over the side. But the boy does not mind it. It is an adventure. This group will begin the Great Experiment, God’s new country. The boy is proud that of all the Wayfarers, Father chose him to paint the sign that will hang at the entrance for all to see. PEOPLES TEMPLE AGRICULTURAL PROJECT. He will make Father proud.

What Pegman Saw


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  1. k rawson

    Oh wow, that left me shuddering. The voice is spot-on and the deft storytelling really casts a spell. Rochelle’s comment was perfect–I lift my Kool-Aid to you too!

  2. DebraB

    Really well done. I got chills reading it. I noticed that our first sentences our very similar. Great minds think alike, right? (I swear I wrote mine before reading yours.) :-)

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